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Our Team


Chair of the committee

Hi, I am Sara Alnaser, 21 years old and I come from Syria. I came to Germany with my family in 2016 and lived in Hamburg for the last six years.
Currently I live in Leipzig and I am doing a dual study in the field of biotechnology. I became aware of Salam e.V. through Instagram and am looking forward to actively supporting the Salamis in the future.
My motto in life is: "Who fights can lose, who does not fight has already lost" Brecht


Leonie Blume

Vice Chair

I’m Leonie and I study ethnology and political science at Leipzig University. Before I came to Leipzig, I did a year of voluntary service at a NGO in Berlin. I speak German, English and a little bit of Spanish (work in progress!). I’m a member of Salam because I think that new friendships and acquaintances can enrich our lives immensely. Most of all, I think that we as friends can create a space where we feel safe, where we can learn from and support each other.


Al Fares

Vice Chair

I am Salem, I am 29 years old and I am originally from Syria. I speak Arabic, German and English.
I studied industrial engineering and
Production and Energy Management in Leipzig and Art Education in Syria. I will start my Master's degree next year. I have been volunteering and advising people who need help since 2015. I am also a member of the association Salam e.V.. ,there I do consultations and also help with other activities and events. My goal is to support people and help them to be able to care for themselves. I do these voluntary activities with a lot of dedication and enthusiasm and full of energy. This task has become a matter of the heart for me.

Livia Trepte


I’m Livia and I study medicine at Leipzig University. After school, I did a voluntary service where I had the chance to actively influence the structures of our society. This showed me how important social commitment can be to bring people together, to mediate and to live with diversity. Therefore, I’m a member of Salam. I speak German, English and more languages are under way ;)

Lucie Boisserée


I am Lucie and I study law with a focus on European and international law at the University of Leipzig. I speak German, English and French. I am active in Salam because the association offers me the opportunity to change things together with friends, to broaden perspectives and to create a space for exchange.

Lea Stanescu

My name is Lea, I’m 23 years old and I study law in my 6th semester. Last summer, when Malek  told me about his idea to found Salam, I was instantly on board. I think it is an important task of our time to do something against the division of our society and to promote cultural exchange. Also, I enjoy learning interesting new things at Salam and meeting all those nice people.


Karina Zamorategui

My name is Karina and I come from Mexico City. I’ve been living in Germany for four years. Originally, I’m a linguist. Now, I work as a Spanish teacher and sometimes as a translator. I love languages and diversity because there is so much to discover behind it - an own culture, art and all those special ways of living and thinking. In my free time, I study Arabic and I continue some musical studies. To me, it is very important that people from different cultures learn from each other and have fun together. Therefore, I’m a member of Salam.

Johannes Gereons

Hello, my name is Johannes, I am 27 years old and I study peace and conflict studies. I speak German, English, BKS and Arabic. I am with Salam,
لأني كتير بحب اللغة العربية وبدي أعطي وقتي وخبرتي مشان جمعيتنا تحسّن المجتمع في لايبزيغ والمانيا


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Clara Mallon

My name is Clara and I am studying Law at Leipzig University with a focus on European- und public international law. I speak German, English, Spanish and a little bit of French. I am active at Salam because I want to take a stand for a peaceful togetherness – the best way to do this is jointly with other people. Therefore, I am especially thankful for meeting our chairman Malek through a tandem partnership and for being now jointly engaged in Salam.


Mohamad Alshehabie

I’m Mohamad and I have successfully studied informatics at Leipzig University. Now, I am studying Data Science in a master’s programme. Since December 2016, I’ve been engaged as a voluntary guide in the project "mentors and guides for refugees" at and volunteering agency (Freiwilligen-Agentur Halle-Saalkreis e. V.). From February 2017 to February 2018, I’ve  

made a federal volunteer service on a special programme with a focus on the work with refugees. Since November 2017, I've been the chairman of  the Foreigner’s Council in Halle. At Salam, I’ve been a member from the beginning.

Cedric Jürgensen

I am Cedric, 30 years old and studied Liberal Arts and Sciences, Political Sociology and European Studies. Since the beginning of 2021 I am doing my PhD in Sociology at the University of Leipzig. Besides my native language German, I also speak English, French and Spanish. I am a member of Salam because I want to bring people from different backgrounds together and make everyone feel welcome and at home in Leipzig.




Hello, I’m Ava, 30 year old and I speak English, a little bit of Finnish and I’m learning Persian. I have studied special needs education, but I’ve worked in various fields. There, I’ve always had a lot of contact with people from all over the world. What is especially interesting to me is how diverse we all are and what makes every individual so special. With this, we are not alone but form a varied potpourri of different ideas, visions, wishes and anxieties. I’m a member of Salam because I’m touched by the notion that we in Leipzig build a community where everybody can feel accepted and welcome. For this, positive encounters and exchange can be a beginning. I really hope that we can enable lots of those encounters in the futute!

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Hey, I'm Wadah Mohammed and I'm from Syria. I speak Arabic as my mother tongue and German. I am studying civil engineering in my 6th semester at the HTWK Leipzig. I had a lot of difficulties myself when I was new in Germany, so I decided to volunteer to help other refugees and migrants. I am active in various working groups at Salam: student support, men’s meeting. I think it's important that I can give something back to society.

Marlene Leffler

I'm Marlene, I've lived in Leipzig for almost 5 years and am studying for a master's degree in psychology. In addition to my first language German, I speak EnglI'm Marlene, I've been living in Leipzig for almost 5 years and I'm studying psychology in my Master's program. Besides my first language German, I speak English, some Spanish and have taken an introductory course in Arabic. In my eyes, Salam makes it possible to create encounters at eye level between people with the most diverse backgrounds. In this way, we can learn from each other and contribute to breaking down social barriers and strengthening solidarity!



My name is Lilli, I’m 24 years old and I’m studying social work. Spending a voluntary year of social service, it became clear to me that I wanted to work together with people. I would like to contribute my little part to breaking up encrusted, conservative structures and to create space for diversity, mutual experiences, and cultural exchange. In Salam, I also see potential to oppose collective isolation. I speak German, English and a bit of French.



Hello, my name is Hassan and I speak Arabic, German and English. I've lived in Leipzig for three years and am studying electrical engineering and information technology at the HTWK. I like to play sports, especially soccer, which is why I am involved in various sporting events at Salam and I am always happy to meet new people. Also, I'm Salam's translator number 1. :)


Lara Büttner

I am Lara, I grew up in Leipzig. I am already a social worker and currently still studying International Social Work in my Master's degree. I am a member of Salam because I deeply believe that we should all make social contributions to make this world, or at least our own little world, a better one. I see great opportunities in Salam to build bridges, connect parallel worlds and fight social division.



Salam, my name is Bouro and I've been studying business administration for two years. I speak German, Arabic and English. I'm at Salam e. V., because I want to do my part to ensure that people from different backgrounds get to know each other and have the opportunity to learn from one another.


My name is Loay and I'm doing a master's degree in energy, building and environmental technology. I joined the Salam Association because I want to share my experiences, which I gained from fleeing the war in my home country Syria and starting over in Germany, and to learn from the experiences of others. I am very happy to make new contacts on the basis of tolerance, acceptance and freedom. And that's exactly what I found in the Salam Association.

Bashar Zahra


I'm Bashar and have lived in Leipzig for almost 6 years. I studied civil engineering at the HTWK Leipzig and work in bridge construction. Since Leipzig has become my home, I also want to build cultural bridges that connect people from all backgrounds. I want to contribute to Leipzig being a place of peace - that means Salam.

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Leila Lasfar

My name is Leila and I study law at the University of Leipzig.
I am still relatively new to the association, but I knew from the beginning that this would be an open space of encounter full of warm and kind people.
Although I was born here in Germany, my roots are in Poland and Morocco. Besides German, Polish and some Moroccan, I also speak English and occasionally a little French. All these circumstances have given me many insights into diverse cultures and I am glad that Salam wants to promote exactly this intensive intercultural dialogue at eye level and raise awareness for the necessity of such an exchange!


My name is Mhran Charkajian, I am from Syria and I have been living in Leipzig for almost a year. I am 30.
I studied philosophy in Italy.
I lived in Italy for almost 4 years, then I returned to Syria.
I speak Arabic, English, Italian, and now a little German. I took the B1 course and now I am trying to do the B2 course.
I also do volunteer work with the Maltesers.

Antonia Pfeiffer

I am Antonia and 21 years old.  After school I did a voluntary service in the health sector, and now I study medicine in Leipzig.
So far I speak German, English and some Polish, but I would like to learn Arabic as well.
I am part of Salam because I would like to create a space where people from different backgrounds can feel welcomed. As a group, we have the opportunity to create a variety of offers that are accessible at a low threshold and take place at eye level. These are the best conditions for cultural exchange, making new contacts and building friendships.


Katharina Krebs

Hi, I'm Kathi, 25 years old and have been living in Leipzig since 2017 to study math and English for teaching.
I found my way to Salam through the project moveurope! which is now integrated into the association. Since then, I feel very comfortable in the association and am happy to be able to support new projects. I also like the fact that I always get to meet very nice people from different backgrounds.
I speak German, English and a little French and Spanish.


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Malek Alabdulah

Profession: social worker / social pedagogue
Languages: Arabic, German and Turkish.
I initiated Salam eV because I would like to bring people with and without migration experience into conversation and offer them a safe place to meet and exchange ideas. My goal is to connect people, promote tolerance and build bridges between people and their cultures in order to create a colorful and diverse Leipzig for all people with and without migration experience.




Hey, I'm Franz - 24 years old and I study and work at the University of Leipzig. What inspires me about Salam is that the association was founded purely on own initiative and through this it is continuously growing.

©2023 Salam e. V.

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