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Nomination Audience Award 2022 of the Deutscher Engagement Preis

Along with more than 460 other projects from all over Germany, Salam e. V. is nominated for the audience award of the "Deutscher Engagmentpreis". Give us your vote until 19.10.22, we are happy about your support!

You can vote HERE!

Volunteers Wanted!

The urban gardening project Community Garden WIRRWUCHS in Leipzig is looking for one volunteer from October! The volunteer will be provided with accommodation and pocket money. If you are a refugee in Europe or a refugee from Ukraine in Germany and interested in environmental issues and working with children, then community garden Wirrwuchs is the right place for you. The duration of the volunteering is 9 to 12 months. Interested? Send an email to

Join us and become part of Salam!

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Wanted: your film art!

From 19.09. to 02.10.2022 the Intercultural Weeks will take place in Leipzig. We, the Salam e. V., organize a film screening together with the Malteser. On 23.09.2022 we will show different films of migrant people in the Gorkistraße 120. We would like to make our offer as diverse as possible and are looking for more films to show. If you would like to present your film art with us, please contact us! Of course we pay a fee. If you are interested, please contact us until 31.08.2022. ( / Subject: Film)..

LO.FE - Leipziger Osten-Fest

Under the motto "The Rabet calls! - For exchange and culture", about 40 Leipzig associations and institutions presented their counseling, support and recreational offers in the context of a large encounter festival in the Rabet on 18.06.22. Despite 35°C there was a lot of activity at the stands! Live music and a delicious Küfa (cuisine for all) completed the program. We were very happy to be there and to be able to talk to many interested people and other Leipzig actors!


Award of the Starter Prize 2022 of the
Studenstiftung des deutschen Volkes

On May 30, 2022, five initiatives that are involved in various areas of society were awarded the Studienstiftung's Starter Prize at a festive event in Berlin. In addition to four other great projects, we were also honored with a prize and would like to take this opportunity to thank the Studienstiftung once again! Photos will follow shortly - here is already a small impression, in which the different award winners introduce themselves in a video.

Symposium of the migrant organizations in Leipzig on 06.05.2022

On 06.05.2022 the symposium of the Leipzig migrant organizations took place and we were also represented there. The aim of the event was to give an insight into the variety of tasks, fields of activity and experiences of the Leipzig MOs and to support the necessary structures. The event was successful; collected ideas and wishes will be taken up in follow-up events and will be incorporated into the development of concepts to be realized.


Empowerment Workshop for BIPoC Parents


In this workshop, we offer you a mindful and creative-productive space in which we can, among other things reflect on the following questions, among others:
How can I reflect on my own experiences of racism and those of my children?
What do my children need to empower themselves? What do I need to empower myself? How is my own process related to that of my children?
What possibilities for action and intervention against experiences of racism arise for ourselves, as well as collectively?

HERE you will find more information!

Registration by mail to:

تجارب العنصرية والتفرقة للأشخاص الذين يعيشون مع أطفالهم هي دون أدنى شك تحدي إضافي في الحياة اليومية.هل تشعر أحياناً كونك والد أو والدة بأنك مثقل ومجهد وقلق من مثل هذه الحوادث العنصرية؟
هل تشعر أحياناً بأنك لا تعرف التعامل مع مثل هذه المواقف الحساسة التي يمر بها طفلك؟
هل ترغب في العثور على مكان يمكنك فيه مشاركة تجاربك والاستماع لتجارب الآخرين وتحقيق الاستفادة المتبادلة للتغلب على مثل هذه الحوادث اليومية؟
إذاً فأنت مدعو ومرحب بك بحضور محاضراتنا وورشتنا التدريبية!
نقدم في هذه الورشة التدريبية مساحة إبداعية للإجابة على هذه التساؤلات وغيرها:
كيف يمكن أن تنعكس مثل هذه المواقف العنصرية  على أطفالك ؟
ماذا أحتاج حتى أستطيع أن أمد نفسي بالطاقة لمواجهة هذه المواقف والوقوف في وجهها؟
كيف يتعلق مدى حسن استجابتي بإطفالي؟
ماهي الإمكانيات المتاحة والحدود والتدخلات الموجودة ضد العنصرية التي يمكن جمعها؟في هذه الورشة التدريبية نرى ونتعلم كيف بإمكاننا تقوية أطفالنا وتعزيز ثقتهم في أنفسهم.
مشاركتكم تسعدنا جداً!المجموعة المستهدفة: الأشخاص المعرضين للعنصرية بسبب بلد المنشأ أو المظهر.
الأهالي الذين يرعوون الأطفال ويعيشون في ألمانيا الشرقية.سيتواجد رعاية بالأطفال خلال الورشة يرجى عند التسجيل كتابة عمر وعدد الأطفال القادمين.التسجيل عبر الإيميل لغاية 25.04.2022
haivan.trinh@damost.deالورشة هي مساحة آمنة للمشاركين يرجى مشاركتنا المعلومات التالية:
وضعك الحالي
هل تعيش في ألمانيا الشرقية
تطلعاتك وأمنياتك من المحاضرة وورشة العملالمحاضرة هي مجانية، في بعض الحالات وعند الحاجة يمكن تغطية أجار الإقامة وأجرة السفر.


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The month of Ramadan began on April 2. We took this as an opportunity to meet in a small group for iftar, the breaking of the fast after sunset. We ate lots of delicious food and had good conversations about religious traditions and festivals. A great evening!

في الثاني من نيسان ابتدأ شهر رمضان المبارك. لذلك قررنا أن ننتهز هذه الفرصة وأن  نلتقي في مجموعة صغيرة عند غروب الشمس لتناول الإفطار سويةً. لقد كان إفطاراً شهياً وخلال ذلك تعرفنا على التقاليد الدينية المتبعة في هذا الشهر لدى المسلمين. لقد كانت فعلاً أمسية رائعة!


Ramadan Mubarak

We wish all Muslims a blessed Ramadan!

Short films in the shop window

Last week we had the event "Short films in the shop window" on the occasion of the International Weeks against Racism. Afterwards, there were exciting discussions about the short films. We're glad you were there!


لقد قمنا الأسبوع الماضي بعرض "أفلام قصيرة على واجهة العرض"  ضمن الأسابيع الدولية لمناهضة العنصرية.
وعند نهاية العرض قمنا بتبادل الآراء ومناقشة وجهات النظر حول هذه الأفلام القصيرة. مشاركتكم وتواجدكم معنا أسعدتنا جد


Information for refugees from Ukraine and helpers

Peace Protest

The war in Ukraine leads to an ongoing flight of Ukrainian citizens.

An overview of important information can be found here .

Saxony's initial contact flyer contains a list of all contact points responsible for registration.

Mühlstraße 14 e. V. Leipzig offers an open space for exchange for Ukrainians and their supporters on Thursdays.

In the participation portal "Help for Ukrainians in Saxony" citizens can report offers of help of any kind.

Short films and photographs for the
international weeks against racism

During our event "Short films in the shop window" as part of the international weeks against racism we present short films and photographs. Are you a filmmaker/photographer yourself or do you know someone? Get in touch with us!


19 February Hanau

Ferhat Unvar
Hamza Kurtović
Said Nesar Hashemi
Vili Viorel Păun
Mercedes Kierpacz
Kaloyan Velkov
Fatih Saraçoğlu
Sedat Gürbüz
Gökhan Gültekin

February 19 marks the second anniversary of the racist attack in Hanau.

Here you can find more information.

Events in January 2022

Despite the rain, we were able to spend a nice day on January 23rd, 2022 and hike in the north-west of Leipzig. Come along for the Salam Walk next time! So you not only get to know the nature around Leipzig, but also get to know new people.

The weekly reading meeting on Friday is always a nice way to end the week!

Annual planning 2022

On 01/15 we talked about goals and ideas for the coming year - stay tuned!

Review 2021

In our first year as an association, we were able to offer 115 events. In the meantime, we have 35 members, have several great cooperation partners at our side and were or are financially supported by the Action Fund of the City of Leipzig, the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes and Erasmus+. More impressions of individual projects and events can be found here.

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